Teckning, Classic drawing for beginners 1

En kurs i att lära sig att teckna (classic drawing) med blyerts och skapa en realistisk teckning av ett stilleben. Ni kommer lära er de olika stegen i att få fram en färdig bild. För att nå dit behöver du lära dig att se, skissa, tonalitet, skuggor, djup och sist detaljer. Kursen kommer hållas på engelska (kursledaren pratar även spanska och studerar svenska just nu).In this course you will learn the basic principles of realistic drawing from making a sketch to representing lights and shadows just as taught in all classical art schools. In this course for beginners you decide your own rhythm and I will follow you in all the steps you need.
Kursen är både för nybörjare och de som målat tidigare. Om du är intresserad av att lära dig grunderna i teckning (classic drawing) passar kursen dig.
-The student will develop a formal and realistic drawing of a still life from start to finish.
-Teach the student the keys to academic drawing to be able to see and represent reality on 2D.
-Develop the vision of what surrounds us.
-Offer tools that help us with artistic, visual and spatial expression that will help us understand spaces when approaching any type of design in any aesthetic field.
Presentation of the subject and content:
TOPIC 1. Sketch.
TOPIC 2. Tonal assessment, volume and light.
TOPIC 3. Details.
• 1 eraser (for drawings)
• Pencils (2B and 8B or 9B. The biggest number the better.)
• 1 basic bloc for drawing A4, or A3
• Sand paper, for drawing, soft sand, (finns i bokhandeln)
• A long wooden stick (They are the same we usually use for food) = pinne för grillspett
• A "box cutter" = en liten brytbladskniv
Denna kurs har plats för 7 personer.
The course leader/Om kursledaren
My name is Adrian and I studied Fine Arts at the universities of Granada and Valencia (UGR/UPV), two of the best in Spain, where I am from. I was born in Málaga, Andalusia, the land where artists like Picasso and Velázquez were born, two of the greatest artists in the world. During my career I specialized in classical art, specifically in figurative, portrait and still life drawing. I have taught drawing classes as a freelancer for 3 years with teenagers and participated in various painting and photography projects during my professional career. Teaching is my passion and classical art is the basis of my inspiration.
På Instagram finns Adrian under namnet: adrian_konst
18:00 - 21:00
Antal tillfällen:
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Östra Långgatan 40, 43241 Varberg
1 700 SEK
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