Circle leader training in English


As a circle leader at SV, you have a very important role. Therefore, we would like to invite you to this circle leader training that consists of two elements: a web-based training that you will go through in peace and quiet at home and a physical meeting in Växjö.

Among other things, you will learn more about the values of "folkbildning" non formal adult education, circle pedagogy, tips and tricks to create a pleasant atmosphere in the group and the opportunity to reflect on your own role as a circle leader. We mix theory, conversation and reflection with practical exercises.

Before the meeting, there are two things you should do at home on your own:
1. Read through this book in PDF format. It is in English. Click on the link and scroll forward at your own pace with the arrows. Please read the whole book before our meeting. Bring any questions and concerns to our meeting.
Leda cirkel
2. Watch this film-based training. It is in Swedish. It's okay if you don't understand everything. Think of it as Swedish language training. Take in what you can from it. Click on the link and scroll forward at your own pace with the arrows.

If you need help with the technicalities, contact your local SV office and we will be happy to help.

We meet at SV's premises in Växjö on November 12th at 17.30-20 with a coffee break. Then we go through these questions and reflect together.

Course leader
Jenny Herz, business developer in SV Kronoberg, and trained circle leader trainer.

Please note
Register at least one week in advance.




17:30 - 20:00

Antal tillfällen:




Lediga platser:




SV Växjö, Blockvägen 8, 35245 Växjö


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